The entry fee has increased to £370 per team for both days. We will again have the late entry fee of £410 which will be applied 2 weeks after the event opening date .
The entries for Whilton Mill will open at the 7.00pm on the 27th April and Teesside 7.00pm 6th July . Exact details of the events are still to be confirmed. Only one person per team needs to apply and pay for the scooter to be entered, they will be the team manager and invites the other riders into the team. All entries are treated on a first come, first served basis.
Please click on the link below for your profile and endurance entry
All team members must register with alpha to ride.
This is easy and can be done now or after the online booking event opens. When you register if you tick the no marketing box you will not receive any of our club emails, the club are the only contact you will receive when you register this account.
The link is: